manifesting dots

Case study

"Our Marketing Costs Were Skyrocketing, The ROI Was Dwindling Like A Thread Burned From One End… And We Were Stuck!"

Now before we tell how we found our way to boatloads of organic traffic and customers, let's give you a little perspective...

At DreamMaker (The UK's leading manifesting coaching firm), the biggest challenge we've had was creating content that ranks.

We leveraged plenty of AI tools to create articles and blog posts, but as we soon discovered...

No amount of crappy, plagiarized content will make up for improved search engine rankings.

We were, thus, stuck living with a deeply strained search engine relationship.

case study 1 dreammaker

Our “AI Content Experiments” Were Failing Miserably...

Ok, maybe 'failing miserably' is getting a bit harsh… but it wasn't good.

Most of our content wasn't meeting Google's E-E-A-T criteria and was being penalized by Google.

With such plagiarized and AI detectable content, getting traffic and leads was so painful, and so much work.

And to get our business up and running, we decided to pursue paid marketing.

Which wasn't a permanent solution.

How, you ask?


Every time we scaled our campaigns, ad costs skyrocketed... ROAS dropped through the floor. Not to forget the paid ads marketers monthly fee, kept eating away our profits.

We pulled back our ad spend because our ROI was burning faster than a thread burned from one end.

Simply put.

We didn't hit our growth goals!

That's when we realized that something needed to change...

There had to be a better way to achieve massive organic outreach and growth. (and put off the crappy ads)

And with that, we discovered Prodactive

Test-Drive Prodactive For FREE!

And as we leveraged Prodactive for a couple of months, we realized that we were never going to rely on paid marketing again.

It’s an AI-writing assistant, like many others you see on the web...

Yet unlike most applications out there...

It creates completely undetectable, unique blog posts, not plagiarized content.

It also lets you rewrite duplicate content into human-written blogs and articles in ‘mere’ minutes

The content you generate through Prodactive surpasses Google’s E-E-A-T threats and penalties.

And it’s so game-changing...

DreamMaker Achieved A Whopping 12650% Increase In Organic Traffic Using Prodactive!

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How many articles will you publish today?

AI-Detect and humanise your AI-generated articles. Avoid Google bans. Publish with confidence. Save up to 93% of your time as a writer by rewriting articles with Prodactive, guaranteed.

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