9 Ways To Detect AI Written Content

9 Ways To Detect AI Written Content
Detect AI Written Content

Detecting AI written content isn’t easy. AI detection can be done by reviewing text manually and by spotting indicators of AI writing signs. And on top of that, there are several AI detectors and tools that can be used for detection.

For most marketers, they refuse to check their content for AI and pay the price of publishing AI toxic content.

However, detecting AI written content and rewriting it for uniqueness can be the difference between your business getting all Google traffic you need or getting blocked and removed from Google’s index (as we saw it happened in March, 2024):

Whether you’re a marketer, writer or an overwhelmed freelancer with a limited money and time budget, we know you don’t always have the resources to research everything there is to know about the latest and best ways to detect AI written content.

So in this quick guide, we’ve put together nine ways to detect AI written content to help you publish the right type of content in your blog.

What is AI content detection?

Determining if a text was crafted by intelligence or by a person is key in spotting AI generated content. The Internet is filled with AI generated material like articles, images and videos nowadays.

AI tools are commonly employed to enhance and accelerate tasks, like writing articles and making videos.

While AI can hasten the process of content creation, human supervision remains urgent and important in order to maintain quality standards.

Why is it important to detect AI generated content?

Identifying machine created content is important because certain contexts rely on the accuracy and expertise of human authored text.

This is particularly relevant, in fields like healthcare and finance where the accuracy of information's paramount.

Wouldn't you agree?

In the realm of AI content detection there is a role in upholding the integrity of work by ensuring that contributions truly reflect the efforts and intelligence of individuals.

It is vital to emphasize the importance of qualifications and professional material by showcasing expertise, critical thinking and originality.

Educational institutions are currently establishing guidelines regarding content.As per a report from Tyton Partners, an advisor in the field of education many educators endorse using AI for generating ideas.

Are cautious when it comes to AI produced text.The detection of AI generated content is crucial in combating misinformation within the media.

Artificial intelligence can be employed to manipulate news articles, images or videos to create narratives.

The use of technology has enabled the automation of disseminating misinformation, including spreading information about elections, conflicts and disasters.According to NewsGuard, an organization that monitors misinformation online there has been a than 1,000% increase, in websites publishing news articles generated by AI.

Ensuring the authenticity and trustworthiness of public domain information is vital.Detecting the quality of content is crucial, for maintaining these standards.

Content produced by AI could potentially reduce the perceived value and authenticity of a commissioned piece of content that you have invested in.

We typically expect that putting effort and focus into paid tasks will yield outcomes.

Handmade products in aspects of life often come at a premium price making it important to differentiate AI generated content when hiring writers for payment.

Essentially you are investing in content designed to engage and persuade readers.

It's essential to ensure that your writer is creating text without relying on AI assistance.

What does Google say about AI generated content

Google is fine with AI generated material as long as it undergoes editing. It should not be used solely to manipulate their algorithms for clicks and rankings.

Producing content only using AI writing tools, does NOT meet Google's quality standards.

Using AI content generators without adding value, insights or expertise could lead to the spread of misinformation with potentially severe consequences.

The recent updates to the core algorithm have led to penalties for websites that misused AI tools to churn out pages overnight.

According to Google, AI generated content should demonstrate qualities such as expertise, real world experience, authority and trustworthiness in line with their guidelines.

9 ways to detect AI content writing

We suggest using both personal review and either a paid AI detection and/or rewriting tool. This combined approach enhances your chances of detecting and reducing AI content generated content.

You might encounter text that shows a mix of human written content and AI written content. That’s fine, assuming that it’s mostly human written content.

Pay attention to shifts in writing style or tone. Also, differences in the complexity of grammar could indicate that a specific section was composed with the help of an AI tool.

Here are 9 ways to detect AI-generated text.

1. Excessive use of AI typical words

A definite sign of text produced by AI is the repetition of specific words and phrases.

These may include words like:

  • Crucial
  • Delve
  • Dive
  • Tapestry
  • Furthermore
  • Consequently
  • Not only but

Take a look at this embellished description written by a machine:

“Businesses are currently looking into ways to improve their detection abilities. Furthermore, new tools could delve deeper into syntax and meaning, identifying patterns associated with AI writing.”

Prodactive’s rewriting tools enable you to improve the clarity and flow of text produced by AI writing tools.

3. Repetitive writing

Have you noticed that AI generated text often repeats words and phrases.

It can be very annoying, but the fact is that machine learning algorithms struggle to detect and eliminate redundancy.

This leads to repeating storytelling elements.

OpenAI has acknowledged that language models tend to be overly wordy. They sometimes duplicate phrases. Particularly when referencing their ties with OpenAI as a language model.

These issues stem from biases in training data. The training data prioritizes responses and known concerns.

A text excerpt generated by ChatGPT 4 illustrates this tendency to repeat points. So, despite the text being well crafted, it still sounds mechanical rather than human.

In comparison, a skilled human writer could convey the concept succinctly and effectively, without the need of becoming too wordy or repetitive.

3. Incomplete sentence structures

AI language models often rely heavily on expressions and proverbs. They tend to incorporate these, then human writers sometimes use them excessively and inappropriately.

One way to identify machine generated content is by observing a lack of diversity in sentence structures.

Do individuals use phrases in their writing to enhance naturalness even if they do not add substance?

Does the tone come across as formal and monotonous?

It is likely that the text was produced by AI if it consists of sentences but lacks fluency or expressiveness.

Keep an eye out for phrases and sentence constructions that are not typical of speech.

For example AI often begins its concluding statements with "By..." although these may pass a grammar check. Humans rarely phrase them in such a way.

4. Monotonous tone of voice

AI systems often lack the touch that makes human generated content stand out.

They tend to stick to language, avoid using slang or informal expressions and lack a voice.

When identifying AI generated material watch out for the absence of individuality and tone.

As writers we often showcase our side through humor and cultural references striving to keep our content engaging and relatable.

Compare an AIs response to a query with how a person would express it – in a relatable manner steering clear of technical terms, like "adaptability" or "vocal prowess."

5. Generic explanations without details

AI generated content frequently lacks specifics. Tends to provide descriptions. On the other hand, human writers enrich their writing by incorporating information and practical advice particularly when drawing from personal experiences on the topic.

It has been observed earlier that artificial intelligence writers tend to use filler words that do not add value to their writing. The text may appear sophisticated and eloquent. It often relies on imposing terminology rather than delivering substantial content.

Let's take a look at what a known AI writer has to share about bedtime rituals.

Have you gained any insights?

Can you recognize the techniques for breathing exercises?

Do you understand the importance of stretching before going to bed?

Such content typically expects readers to conduct their research without providing guidance.

AI generated texts often lack examples, relatable anecdotes and supported arguments.

If you come across verbosity without in depth details chances are it wasn't crafted by a real human writer.

In comparison this article discussing Apple's car marketing strategy appears superficial and lacking in substance. A human writer would specify the cities where the product is set to be launched. Human created content usually includes details about the marketing campaign such as platforms used and key specifics. Conversely this AI generated text merely offers a summary without delving into particulars.

The key point here is that it doesn't recognize the pause in the development of the Apple car.

6. Lack of Google’s E-E-A-T subject matter expertise

AI algorithms are really good at predicting the word in a sentence. They struggle to truly understand the context of what they generate. They rely heavily on the data they've been trained on and don't go beyond that.

When it comes to subjects, AI only scratches the surface because it can't grasp the insights and nuances that come from real world experience.

Unlike humans, AI falls short in capturing the depth of knowledge and understanding on a topic.

For instance, take a look at content created by AI on a website. It's clear that the author lacks experience like brewing a cup of coffee. An experienced barista offers advice on things like espresso temperature versus latte temperature and how much coffee is needed for drinks.

Human expertise in this field is irreplaceable compared to an AI model.If you encounter information that seems superficial or lacks depth due to reliance on searches rather than thorough investigation and understanding chances are it is generated by an AI.

7. Absence of humanized personal input

AI generated content often struggles to establish a connection with readers.

It often lacks the touch of empathy and humor that human writing naturally embodies.

On the other hand, human writers frequently engage their audience with thought provoking inquiries in their work. They also skillfully incorporate reflections and personal stories to enrich their writing.

When determining if a text is AI generated it's beneficial to look for narratives or real life instances. Pay attention to emotions and individual perspectives that may be challenging for AI to authentically replicate.

Consider this scenario; AI writers rely heavily on data rather than experiences when conveying information.

Any content they create may lack the depth of recounting someone encounter while providing a general overview.

The lack of experience is apparent in both cases.

For instance an article authored by a figure in the field of AI discusses the unboxing experience of Apple AirPods Max.

It appears that the author hasn't delved deeply into the product experience lacking enthusiasm or curiosity, towards it.

Additionally, observe the use of typical AI phrases like "You feel a surge of excitement when you notice the design and exceptional workmanship offering an experience."

8. Lack of coherence in storytelling

Crafting a good story or narrative can be quite a task for AI generated content. Sometimes their stories may lack a flow, making them difficult to follow and unconvincing.

Be mindful of shifting topics from one subject to another. Do the conclusions naturally connect to the preceding sentences? Can you easily trace the source and progression of an argument? Observing how a text unfolds can reveal if the ideas are logically organized. Human writing typically follows a progression that's easy to understand while AI generated content may lack this coherence.

Consider this example from another known AI writer. It's clear how the storytelling in this instance feels forced and awkward.

Essentially the passage simply repeats the idea in ways.Creativity often flourishes when one delves deeper into narratives even though AI is capable of generating content based on information.

AI struggles with this characteristic presenting a challenge for AI writers in grasping and conveying the subtleties that enhance story appeal.

AI authors may also face difficulties in understanding the nuances, social cues and historical contexts that imbue stories with meaning.

9. Use AI detector tools

Numerous tools are available to spot AI generated writing helping to distinguish machine written content. Some of these tools may incorporate a feature for checking plagiarism to detect copied material.

The Prodactive’s AI detection tool is crafted to aid in identifying AI generated content and transforming it into text that reads more human.

You can recognize text produced by any AI writer, like ChatGPT. The process is quite straightforward. Visit Prodactives AI content detection tool to input your content. Let Prodactive analyze it to determine if it was generated by an AI content creator. It will then provide you with the likelihood percentage of its origin.

For instance a 93% human rating implies that the content was likely authored by a person while a 7% human rating indicates that the content may have been written by an AI.

You have the option to convert AI generated content into text that mimics writing style.

While these tools can be beneficial they are not foolproof. Can sometimes misidentify content. It is advisable to use them as a validation tool. Keep in mind that even OpenAIs text detector may not always be accurate.

Detecting if a text is generated by intelligence requires looking at its style, tone and inconsistencies to determine whether it was produced by a human or an AI system. Both humans and AI systems have their flaws that can give away the origin of the content.


When trying to identify AI generated content rely on your intuition and tools.

Utilize AI detectors meant for recognizing AI generated content. Examine the sentences and paragraphs flagged by AI detectors and consult our article to ascertain the writer's identity.

Feel free to integrate AI into your writing. Always remember to add a touch to it.