How An AI Text Checker Helps You Rank [in Google]

How An AI Text Checker Helps You Rank [in Google]
AI Text Checker

What is the connection between an AI text checker and higher Google rankings? Explore common facts about AI checkers. Learn how a text AI verifier works and what to do to make your AI detected articles rank better in Google.

Today, content writing and content marketing are some of the most important aspects of SEO. Yet, it’s often one of the first things to suffer when we're stressed and forced to perform more and more content.

Too much of AI generated content can lead to lower rankings.

The good news is it’s possible to detect AI infested content and do it fast. The first step is to understand the relationship between AI text checkers and rewriting articles. Use an AI text  checker to determine if your content has a lot of AI generated fluff. If it does, learn how AI content affects your readability and flow. Learn how rewriting your articles is helpful for better rankings.

So, let’s get started.

Why Use An AI Text Checker?

Why Use An AI Text Checker

AI generated content has the potential to undermine the value of your content. It may also effect the genuineness and professionality of your writing.

This can happen through producing inaccurate information. It can also happen due to the fact that your content now has a robotic or non-human tone.

You should use an AI text checker to check and improve your articles. Especially in areas where knowledge and facts are very important, like:

  • Content development or journalism
  • Marketing
  • Blogging and SEO

It's vital to differentiate between machine generated and human created content.

AI content detection is the key to making sure that the content reflects an individuals' hard work, knowledge, and experience.

Emphasizing qualifications, professionalism, critical thinking and originality is essential, in showcasing your expertise.

Preserving the integrity and trustworthiness of information is critical.

Identifying and revising subpar AI content is necessary to uphold these standards.

But does all this matter?

What does Google say about AI generated content?

Google is okay with AI generated content, as long as it undergoes rigorous editing. In other words, AI content shouldn't be used solely to manipulate their algorithms for clicks and rankings.

Creating content exclusively using AI writing detectors and AI writing tools does not meet Google's quality standards.

Utilizing AI content generators without adding value, insights or expertise. This could result in the dissemination of information with serious repercussions.

The recent updates to the core algorithm have resulted in penalties for many websites. Websites that misused AI tools to produce massive amounts of articles overnight.

According to Google, AI generated content should showcase qualities like:

  • expertise
  • real world experience
  • authority
  • trustworthiness

in alignment, with their guidelines.

What is An AI Text Checker?

What is An AI Text Checker

An AI text checker can help you determine if a text was written by artificial intelligence or by a human person.

  • The Internet is filled with AI generated articles, images and videos. An AI text checker can help you identify, edit and improve your content.
  • AI tools are often used to enhance and accelerate tasks, like writing articles and making videos. While AI can hasten the process of content creation, human supervision is critical.

Which brings us to the next question.

How does an AI text checker work, and how to use it to rewrite your articles for uniqueness?

How Does An AI Text Checker Work?

How Does An AI Text Checker Work

AI detectors typically rely on language models to those found in AI writing tools they aim to identify.

These models essentially assess the text input by asking, "Does this resemble something I would write?" If the answer is affirmative the detector assumes that the text is likely machine generated.

In particular these models analyze two aspects of a text; perplexity and burstiness. Lower values of these variables suggest a probability of AI generation.

What do these terms really mean?


Perplexity indicates how unpredictable a text is, measuring its tendency to confuse or bewilder the reader by lacking coherence or reading awkwardly.

  • AI language models strive for low perplexity levels to ensure texts are coherent and flow smoothly albeit, at the cost of predictability.
  • Human authored content tends to exhibit perplexity due to imaginative word choices but also an increased likelihood of errors.

Language models operate by predicting the word, for continuation within a sentence and incorporating it accordingly.


Burstiness refers to the diversity in how sentences are structured and their lengths, to perplexity but at the sentence level;

  • A text with consistent sentence structures and lengths is considered to have low burstiness.
  • On the hand, a text that shows variety in both structure and length is categorized as having high burstiness.

Compared to human written text AI generated text tends to exhibit levels of burstiness. This is because AI language models typically generate sentences with lengths ( 10-20 words) and follow conventional structures, which can make the writing appear repetitive at times.

A lack of burstiness in a text often suggests that it may have been produced by an AI system.

How The AI Text Checker Helps You Rank in Google

How The AI Text Checker Helps You Rank in Google

If you’re wondering how an AI text checker can help you rank in Google.

Here’s the answer to that:

According to Google’s search rater guidelines, content quality must follow certain rules and and principles. In the SEO world, they are famously called E-E-A-T: Expertise,  Experience, Authority and Trustworthiness.

Now, if an article does not display these qualities, the chances of ranking are highly diminished.

So, in order for your AI infested article to rank better, use an AI text checker, go through the article and try to correct these 4 things that Google wants you to do.


You have the ability to produce top notch content and publish web pages detailing your identity, values, expertise, in your field, strengths and more. If there's no "About Us" or "Author Bio" section on your site we suggest adding them. Remember to include every detail related to your skills. Additionally you can craft blog posts on subjects. Prior to getting started, conduct keyword research to understand your audience's requirements. By understanding their needs you can not only meet but also surpass their expectations.

Real world experience

For example, if you're looking for information on how to correctly fill out your tax returns, that's probably a situation where you want to see content produced by an expert in the field of accounting.

Google considers expertise to be closely associated with the individual who created the content. It is linked to their informal education background. How they developed their skills.

Google's Quality Raters inquire about:

  • Who is the influencer behind the content?
  • Does the creator possess knowledge in the subject area?
  • What is the creator's reputation in the field?

The significance of expertise like experience varies depending on the type of content and its subject matter.

Your credentials, accomplishments and status within your field are also vital when crafting content, in these specialized areas.


Demonstrating your industry expertise on a topic, product or service involves more than having knowledge about the subject.

The concept of authoritativeness pertains to the level of expertise and credibility a content creator or website possesses. It indicates the degree to which you are seen as a trusted source of information, on a topic.

For instance the Financial Times is widely recognized as a source in the field of finance.

Similarly, ESPN commands respect and influence, in the realm of sports.


Trust is immensely important in E A T as emphasized in Google's Quality Rater Guidelines. According to Google a website is deemed trustworthy if it is truthful, secure and dependable. However it's essential to note that even if a website showcases expertise and authority it may still be considered untrustworthy by Google's Quality Raters. Especially if they find incorrect information in your pages or blog posts.

So, low trustworthiness may happen if the information on your pages are incorrect.

What Are The Benefits of Using an AI Text Checker?

What Are The Benefits of Using an AI Text Checker

There are advantages to utilising an AI text checker, for both individuals and organisations. Here are a few benefits of employing an AI text checker;

Using an AI text checker has the benefit of saving time. Manual proofreading can be quite time consuming, for documents. AI text checkers can swiftly analyse the text for errors. Offer suggestions, for improvements enabling writers to concentrate on responsibilities.

Using an AI text checker has its benefits:

  1. It saves time by spotting errors and suggesting corrections, which lets writers concentrate on duties.
  2. AI text detectors boost accuracy by catching spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes that humans might miss.
  3. AI text detectors are often more budget friendly to use than hiring a proofreader. This makes them a great option for people and businesses working with budgets.
  4. AI text checkers can ensure that the text is consistent in terms of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. This is especially important for organisations that produce a large volume of content.

What Are The Limitations of An AI Text Checker

While there are many use cases for AI text checkers, it’s also a good idea to be realistic about what AI detectors can and can not do.

For example, there are some disadvantages and limitations:

Disadvantages of Using an AI Text Checker

While AI text checkers have become increasingly popular, they are not without their limitations.

One of the main disadvantages of using an AI text checker is that it may not be able to detect all errors. For example, it may not be able to detect errors in grammar, punctuation, or syntax that are specific to a particular language or dialect. Additionally, some AI text checkers may not be able to detect errors in tone or style, which are important factors in determining the quality of a piece of writing.

One drawback of relying on an AI text checker is its limitation in identifying plagiarism. Although certain AI text checkers are programmed to spot plagiarism they might not catch every case.

This is because certain forms of plagiarism like paraphrasing or rephrasing can pose a challenge for automated systems to detect accurately.

Limitations of AI Text Checker

AI text checkers also have their own limitations. One of the main limitations is that they rely on machine learning algorithms, which are only as good as the data they are trained on. This means that if an AI text checker is trained on a limited dataset, it may not be able to detect errors or patterns that are outside of that dataset.

Another limitation of AI text checkers is that they may not be able to understand the context of a piece of writing. For example, an AI text checker may not be able to detect sarcasm or irony, which can significantly impact the meaning of a sentence or paragraph.

In the end, AI detectors might struggle to spot mistakes in works, like poetry or fiction. This is because creative writing often plays with grammar and sentence structure in ways that could confuse an AI detector.

In general though AI text validators can help spot mistakes and enhance writing quality they do have their constraints. It's crucial to pair them with resources and understand their limitations while utilising them.

Use Cases For AI Text Checker

AI text checkers have become an essential tool in many industries and educational institutions. Industries that Benefit from AI Text Checker

Here are some of the most common use cases for AI text checkers.

AI Text Checker in Marketing and Writing

In the field of publishing and journalism AI powered text verification tools play a role in detecting mistakes and discrepancies in written pieces such as articles, news reports and literary works. Additionally they serve to guarantee that the material is original and not copied from elsewhere.

In marketing and advertising AI tools can assist in verifying that promotional content is devoid of grammar mistakes and spelling errors.

Additionally, they can aid in enhancing the copy to be compelling and convincing.

AI text detectors can assist professionals and lawyers in verifying that legal documents are error free and consistent. Additionally they can aid in guaranteeing that the documents are clear and comprehensible, to readers.

In the field of finance AI powered proofreaders play a role in ensuring accuracy and coherence in reports and various documents. Additionally they contribute to making these documents more accessible and comprehensible, to readers.

AI Text Checker in Education

AI text detectors are also utilised in schools to support students and educators with a range of activities. Below are an instances;

Writing tools, like AI text checkers can be beneficial for students looking to enhance their writing abilities. These tools offer guidance on sentence construction, grammar and word choice allowing students to pinpoint areas for improvement.

Plagiarism Detection; AI tools assist educators in identifying copied content, in students essays and projects. They also aid students in verifying the authenticity and originality of their work to prevent plagiarism.

Grading Support; AI tools can assist educators in evaluating student essays and tasks with efficiency. Additionally they are capable of offering students guidance on areas that require enhancement.

In summary, AI text checkers have a wide range of use cases in various industries and educational institutions. They can help catch errors and inconsistencies, ensure that content is free of plagiarism, and improve writing skills.


Have you been wanting to scale your blog but aren't sure what kind of AI text checker to use to validate the originality of your articles?

AI text detectors are gaining traction in the content creation, marketing and publishing fields.

You probably already have tried a few of those tools.

They are getting better, more accurate and accepted.

These tools leverage algorithms and machine learning methods to assess text and determine its origin as either human authored or AI generated.

With the proliferation of AI created content blurring the lines, between human and machine writing these text checkers have emerged as assets, for industries.

One advantage of utilising an AI text checker is its ability to enhance the quality of your writing.

By pinpointing areas where your text might resemble content generated by a machine you can make the required modifications to ensure that your writing stands out as unique, engaging and informative.

Also, employing an AI text checker can assist in steering of penalties imposed by search engines, for content flagged as spam or subpar.

By guaranteeing that your content is authentically human crafted you can enhance your websites search engine rankings and draw in visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate are AI text checkers?

The accuracy of AI text detectors varies. The text detection depends on the specific tool being used. It may also be due to the complexity of the text being analyzed. Some AI text detectors such as Originality are definitely more accurate than others. However, it's important to note that no tool is perfect. False positives and false negatives can occur, so it's important to use AI text detectors in conjunction with other methods to verify the authenticity of text.

What is the most accurate AI text detector?

There is no single "most accurate" AI text detector. Tools may excel in different areas. Some popular AI text detectors include Originality which we use at Prodactive. Other tools may include OpenAI's AI Text Classifier and Sapling's AI Detector, but it's important to research and compare different tools to determine which one is best suited for your specific needs.

Can AI written content be detected?

Yes, AI generated text can be recognized by AI text detection tools. These applications are created to examine written content and recognize patterns that suggest whether the material was authored by a person or produced by an AI program.

How do you detect AI-generated text?

Analysing traits of a text like the variation, in word selection and sentence structure can help determine if it was generated by AI. Text analysis tools are programmed to spot these patterns and distinguish between human and AI generated content.

Are there any free AI detection tools available?

Certainly there are AI detection tools that you can access for free like OpenAIs AI Text Classifier. Nevertheless it's crucial to keep in mind that these complimentary tools might come with restrictions, in terms of precision and features. Hence conducting research and comparing choices is key, before settling on a specific tool.

What is the difference between AI text checkers and plagiarism checkers?

AI text checkers and plagiarism checkers are two different types of tools. AI text checkers are designed to analyze text and identify patterns that indicate whether the content was written by a human or generated by an AI tool. Plagiarism checkers, on the other hand, are designed to compare a piece of text against a database of existing content to identify instances of plagiarism. While both types of tools can be useful for verifying the authenticity of text, they serve different purposes and should be used in conjunction with each other for maximum effectiveness.