7 AI Rewriter Features That Have Revolutionized Writing

7 AI Rewriter Features That Have Revolutionized Writing
AI Rewriter

Building a business through content and SEO presents its challenges as the competition is tough. Every day a staggering 2 million blog posts flood the space. Then there's also the consideration of AI generated content and paraphrased content produced by AI rewriters. While many marketers find it convenient to generate AI content it often struggles to rank for keywords.

However a robust and unique content marketing strategy coupled with right AI rewriter tools could be the factor in determining whether your business thrives or falters. Why? Because leveraging the right AI rewriter tools can result in:

  • Increased website traffic
  • rankings on Google search engine
  • leads and conversions
  • Enhanced brand visibility

Whether you're a small business owner or a busy marketing professional working within budget constraints we understand that you may not always have the time or resources to thoroughly explore the latest features and tools offered by AI rewriters. In this guide, we've compiled seven tips to assist you in establishing a foundation for your blog's content.

But first…

What is an AI rewriter tool?

An AI rewriter tool is a piece of software that uses artificial intelligence to analyze text based on a given prompt or input and generate a new version, while preserving the core message.

Through powerful language models, AI rewriting tools learn patterns, vocabulary, and grammar from large amounts of text. Then, they rewrite, optimize, and generate human-like text that fits into your brand’s messaging and appeals to your audience.

For example, you can ask the rewriting tool to rephrase a sentence or passage to sound more formal, friendly or interesting. You can also utilize AI paraphrases to adjust media updates and give them a tone catered to a particular group and incorporate emojis.

Here is a demonstration of how an AI rewriter operates when utilizing Prodactives Rewrite AI tool.


Now that you know what AI rewriter tools are, let’s explore the benefits of using one in your content creation process.

4 benefits of AI rewriter tools

benefits of AI rewriter tools

Improve content quality and clarity

Using an AI rewriting tool can improve the quality and coherence of your sentences and paragraphs.

When you input your text into the rewriter it will paraphrase the content to enhance readability, improve flow and create a structure. This allows you to polish your content and clearly communicate your ideas. Engage your readers more effectively.

Enhance your skills

For native English speakers using an AI rewriting tool can help identify areas where your content can be improved to ensure effective communication.

Using AI rewriting tools can help you adjust your tone, language and organization for readability.

Additionally, they provide versions of your content showcasing sentence structures, word choices and grammar styles.

Enhancing your sentence structure will not help you communicate better but enhance your language abilities as you work on improving your speaking and writing skills.

Save time and money

AI rephrasing tools make it easier to organize content, for readability by humans.

Unlike editing that can be time consuming, these AI tools can rephrase text quickly within seconds or minutes.

Additionally, some AI rephrasing tools are available, for free. Offer trial versions helping you save the costs of hiring an editor.

Repurpose content for different audiences

Many creators adapt their content for platforms, such as transforming a blog post into a series of social media posts.

AI rewriting tools reduce the time needed to repurpose existing content enabling you to produce original content tailored for diverse channels.

For example you could use the AI tool to rework a product update, into formats for platforms. This includes crafting a post for LinkedIn, creating a script suitable for TikTok videos, drafting a compelling email for marketing purposes and developing an effective ad, for Google. The tool will produce versions tailored to each social media platform to captivate audiences and prompt engagement.

AI rewriting tools can also assist in content and revisiting topics that need periodic updates all while enhancing the visibility of your content, in search engine results.

Now let’s look at the best AI rewriter features available.

7 AI Rewriter Features

AI Rewriter Features

The world of content creation has been greatly influenced by AI rewriters bringing forth a range of tools that boost productivity, innovation and excellence.

Let's look into seven AI rewriter features that have reshaped the field of content creation:

1. Advanced Paraphrasing

Sophisticated AI algorithms are utilized to rephrase text with precision preserving the essence of the content.

This capability for paraphrasing and producing material from preexisting sources, serving as a tool, in preventing plagiarism and crafting new renditions of articles.

2. Contextual Understanding

Latest AI rewriters possess a grasp of the subject matter enabling them to revise sentences and paragraphs in a manner that aligns with the context.

This guarantees that the rephrased material remains logical coherent and enhances its readability and appeal.

3. Tone and Style Adjustment

AI rewriting tools have the ability to modify the tone and style of the content according to user preferences.

Whether a formal, casual, technical or conversational tone is needed, AI technology can tailor the writing style to align with the intended voice ensuring that the content is suitable for audiences and platforms.

4. SEO Optimization

Many AI rewriters incorporate SEO optimization features. They can suggest and integrate relevant keywords seamlessly into the content, helping to improve search engine rankings without compromising on the readability and flow of the text.

5. Grammar and Spelling Checks

By incorporating grammar and spelling checks the rewritten material is ensured to be error free.

This does not only save time.

It also boosts the professionalism and quality of the content making it publication ready, without the need for extensive proofreading.

6. Content Summarization

Many AI rewriters have the ability to summarize articles or documents by extracting points and condensing them into brief summaries.

This is especially handy for crafting abstracts, synopses and executive summaries enabling readers to grasp the message.

7. Multilingual Rewriting

Numerous AI rewriters offer support for languages allowing content creators to effortlessly generate rewritten content in languages.

This functionality proves essential for enterprises and websites serving international audiences streamlining the process of creating multilingual content even without fluency, in those specific languages.

How to use Prodactive’s Article AI rewriter tool

For this to work properly, you'll need to have a free trial account or an active subscription with Prodactive.

Step 1: Login to Prodactive

Log in to your Prodactive account.

Step 2: Article Rewriter tool

Click on the Article Rewriter link. It will open a page where you can paste your copied article.

Paste your article:

  • Remove any unnecessary paragraphs or sentences
  • Edit headings (if necessary)

Choose your settings:

  • Readability level
  • Intended purpose
  • More Human vs. More Readable

Click the Humanize button.

Wait for the process to finish.

To use Prodactive's semi-automatic feature, click Rewrite by URL.

Paste your article URL

Click Fetch

Edit content → Remove any unnecessary sections or sentences from the article header or footer.

Click the Humanize button.

Step 3: Review the rewrite

Review the rewrite. Download or copy the article into Word and edit the rewrite before publishing.

Step 4: Review AI and Uniqueness score

Check the uniqueness score and the AI score. If the results were not as expected, try different settings until you find the right one that gives you a better or best possible score.

Want to use Prodactive's article rewriting tools in your business? Sign up today for a free account that includes all premium features.


In this blog post, we have discussed how AI rewriting tools work. Their unique advantages and a range of features to help streamline your writing process.

Do you find yourself using unnecessary repetitive words and expressions just to make your message clear?

Perhaps you have some existing content that holds value but could benefit from a revamp. Alternatively you might lack the time or motivation to repeatedly reorganize your arguments and refine your draft until it's flawless.

AI rewriter tools can be a lifesaver.

When prompted they rewrite your content, identify the elements within the chaos and arrange them in a sequence without altering the original intent.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does AI affect content writing?

AI has an advantage in content marketing as it can automate content creation by utilizing machine learning algorithms.

By analyzing data, AI can produce notch and pertinent content much faster than a human writer could.

What is the best free AI rewriter tool?

Prodactive. It's AI Rewriter features rewrites your content, while keeping your article structure intact. While also maintaining the core message. Then it generates ready-to-publish content verified by the best AI checker bypass tool Originality AI.

Other free options include Copy.ai and Wordtune.

How do I rewrite content with AI?

Copy and paste your content into Prodactive’s Article rewriter or paragraph rewriter tool, select your preferred tone of voice, and it will generate perfectly rewritten text.