AI Paragraph Rewriter (free)

AI Paragraph Rewriter (free)
AI Paragraph Rewriter

Are you looking for a tool that can rewrite your paragraphs without any plagiarism? This free  AI powered tool can help you rephrase your paragraphs and create content for your blog and other platforms. Just paste your text in the box to begin the process of rewriting. (Must be Logged in)

Why Use Prodactive’s Free Paragraph Rewriter Tool?

Feeling exhausted from spending hours rephrasing content for your AI detected blog articles?  

  • Perhaps you find yourself duplicating product descriptions and spending hours rephrasing them.  
  • Or, you're sending out similar guest posts to different websites and need to tweak some content. Tweak it without triggering a plagiarism detection tool.
  • Maybe you stumble upon a source you wish to incorporate (with proper citation) into your research, for an article...

It can become tedious having to rework paragraphs while ensuring the readability of your content.

This handy AI paragraph rewriter tool can help you rephrase any text you input by using synonyms and artificial intelligence to create content with a word count while maintaining the original intent.

Sounds pretty easy to use, doesn't it?

What Is Prodactive’s AI-Driven Paragraph Rewriter?

We created this plagiarism tool that uses intelligence to rewrite paragraphs, for a wide range of users, including bloggers, content marketers, SEO professionals and small business owners.

It doesn't matter how familiar you are with AI writing tools; it's essential to know that AI generated content should serve as a starting point for your work rather than a ready to use solution.

How to Use Prodactive’s AI-Driven Paragraph Rewriter

Are you all set to get started?

Just follow these instructions to operate the AI paragraph rewriter.

In no time you'll be able to create SEO friendly unique content that can reword any paragraph (or sentence) you input into the tool provided inside Prodactive.

And it will give you verified and undetectable written content that sounds almost perfectly human.

No tool is perfect!

1. Paste the Paragraph or Type What You Want to Rewrite

To begin, just paste the paragraph or sentence you want to rephrase. Please keep in mind that this free tool has a word limit of around 300 words and a character limit of 1,800 characters (the complete Article Rewriter Tool on Prodactive can handle up to 2,500 words).

Here is a sample paragraph that showcases the product description for Prodactive.

Go ahead. Adjust your paragraph as needed before using the rewriter. Once you click the "Humanize" button you'll receive a paragraph of content regardless.

2. Select the Readability & Purpose for the Rewriting Tool to Use

Afterward choose the desired readability level and purpose, from the dropdown  menus to specify who your paragraph is for and the purpose you prefer for the rewriter tool to employ in creating your content.

Currently our tool can help you rewrite for different readability levels: High school, University, Doctorate, Journalist, Marketing.. The purpose selection adds a twist to the process. You have a variety of options to choose from including General writing, Essay, Article, Marketing material, Story, Cover letter, Report, Business  and Legal material.

3. Type or Choose Project

Next simply start typing and Add a new  "Project" or select from your previous Projects.

Once you have entered your choice  simply add the "Keyword" section.

The keyword section can be either Keyword or it can be article title. It’s up to you to decide which format you prefer.

4. Add Keyword or Title

Now is the time to be organized. Type in either Keyword or Title for the selected project.

It keeps things more organized like that.

Then you’re ready to start writing the article.

5. Click the “Humanize” Button and Get a New Paragraph (Plagiarism Free)

Next simply press the "Rewrite" button and our AI writing tool will start working on revising your paragraph.

Once you have entered all your text in the box simply click the "Rewrite" button to begin.

Witness the enchantment unfold! If the revised paragraph doesn't captivate you simply refresh the form, choose a tone and give it another shot. You'll receive a fresh paragraph to assess.

6. Check AI Score (after state)

Once you are looking at your paragraph rewrite on  the right side, you can review the score. You're good to go or do another rewrite with other settings.

Once you’ve found your style and settings, just keep using those same settings for similar articles or paragraphs.

7. Copy Your Newly Rewritten Paragraph

Once you are satisfied with your revised paragraph simply click the “Download” or  "Copy" button, beside your updated content. You're good to go.

You're all set to click on the "Copy, to Clipboard'' button and duplicate your rephrase paragraph.

Alright you've got it! Now you can proceed to the editing stage where you infuse your paragraph with a touch and ensure it's error free.

The Fundamentals of Writing Content (and Using a Paragraph Rewriter Tool)

Successful bloggers, in a landscape dominated by AI generated content are the ones who understand the importance of intelligence and authenticity. Simply copying and pasting text into a rewriting tool won't lead to success in terms of search engine rankings. Blogging requires effort and a personal touch—it's not as simple as it may seem.

Make sure you're using this paraphrasing tool to enhance your content creation not to copy content from websites. Let's go through some tips for writing content. Follow these steps to create blog posts and make the most of this text rewriter tool;

1. Start Every Blog Post with Your Own Original Thoughts & Opinions

Before you jump into the research and outlining phases of your writing process, pause, for a moment to relax and think about the thoughts, experiences, perspectives, opinions and examples you can contribute to the subject being discussed. Write them down initially before delving into research or checking out how other sources have addressed the topic; otherwise you might end up echoing someone's Viewpoint.

Why did you choose to focus on this topic in your writing? While having access to a free keyword research tool and a list of over 200 blog post ideas can provide inspiration, it's important to have a personal interest in the article you're creating, rather than just chasing after SEO benefits. Readers can easily sense when the material they're engaging with lacks that human connection, with the rise in popularity of AI content tools.

Here I am, just a real human blogging away at a coffee shop!

To get your ideas in order and set the groundwork, for the article you're crafting begin by pondering these queries;

Which anecdotes or real life situations could I draw upon to present my perspective on this subject?

What’s the key takeaway I want my readers to get from this content?

What type of blog post format would be most suitable for this topic? Should it be a guide, a listicle, a roundup, an interview or something else?

Before diving into writing your content make sure you have an idea of the direction of your article. Taking the time to establish this upfront can streamline the rest of your writing process. When you're ready to begin writing, utilizing a paragraph rewriter tool can be quite helpful.

2. Write Your Blog Post (Using AI Writing Tools to Assist)

When beginning to write a blog post it's best to first jot down your original ideas in bullet points. Although using tools like an AI article writer or article rewriter can be helpful in the editing process infusing your content with thoughts, from the start creates a foundation that resonates better with actual readers.

When you come across parts of your writing that can be effortlessly rephrased from sections of your blog, such as product descriptions, that's a scenario to utilise a paragraph rephrase.

I used the paragraph rewriter tool to create the product description, for Prodactive in this instance.

I enjoy utilising AI to create content that may seem a bit redundant or uninteresting or to paraphrase something I've previously written and wish to incorporate it into an article I'm working on.

3. Keep SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in Mind Before Publishing Your Content

Before you post an article make sure to proofread and edit your content at once. This is particularly important when incorporating AI into your content creation process as it benefits from intervention.

Before publishing your articles it's essential to tune your content, for search engine optimization. Aim for a top ranking. Here's a brief SEO checklist I recommend following before making your articles live;

Be sure to install and use the Yoast plugin for WordPress

Double check you’re writing about a good topic for your audience

Enhance your headings to boost the chances of snippets appearing and speed up the indexing process.

Make sure you have only one H1 header (your title at the top)

Use the heading structure with H2 subheadings and H3 subtopics nested within.

Make sure to incorporate your keyword phrase within your article to maintain a balanced keyword density.

Make sure to add a balance of both external links, including at least 3-5 external links.

Craft a captivating description filled with keywords to draw in readers.

Maximise the effectiveness of your image descriptions by incorporating keyword descriptions.

Make sure to choose a length, for your blog post typically aiming for at least 1,500 words or more.

Craft an SEO title optimised for ranking with the assistance of my blog title generation tool.

Make sure to include your keywords, in the slug, URL or permalink (refer to my guide, on permalinks).

Now you're all set to publish your content! By following these SEO strategies you'll greatly enhance your content for visibility, on Google search results, in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a guarantee that my rewritten paragraph won’t contain plagiarism?

While we don’t offer any guarantees of this nature and can’t be held liable for your use of this tool, AI content is not considered plagiarism because no original work is being copied. That said, there is a debate over whether AI-generated content should count as plagiarism. Some argue that because the content is not created by a human, it can’t be considered original—and therefore is plagiarised.

Alternatively, many argue that since AI algorithms are designed to create unique content, it can’t technically be plagiarism.

Use this tool responsibly.

Do you have a plagiarism checker tool I can use to verify my paragraph is truly unique content?

We are currently working on a plagiarism detection tool within Prodactive. You can input your rewritten paragraphs into the tool to check for plagiarism and verify the results yourself.

If I copy a paragraph from someone else’s blog and use this paragraph rewriter to rewrite it, is that plagiarism?

If you ask me, it should be. But it’s probably not. In my eyes, that’s a form of plagiarism—but more than anything else, it’s disrespectful of the creative effort other bloggers put into their writing. How would you feel if someone copied your content, rewrote it in a single click with a tool like this, published it, and outperformed your blog?

Which languages do you offer? Will it translate my content?

Sure! Our tool for rewriting paragraphs can handle text in English for now. We are also looking into expanding our language options in the future.

Does this paragraph rewriter tool accept content formats aside from just text?

Sorry at the moment our paragraph rewriter is designed to handle text content. You won't be able to upload images, GIFs, videos or other multimedia formats.

Is it safe to use an article rewriter tools  to generate blog content for SEO purposes?

Google Has clearly stated that, “appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against our spam policies.” From an SEO perspective, Google has sent a clear signal that you’re safe to use AI writing tools to assist in your content creation process without fear of being punished by their algorithms. That said, I wouldn’t recommend using an Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a guarantee that my rewritten paragraph won’t contain plagiarism?

While we don’t offer any guarantees of this nature and can’t be held liable for your use of this tool, AI content is not considered plagiarism because no original work is being copied. That said, there is a debate over whether AI-generated content should count as plagiarism. Some argue that because the content is not created by a human, it can’t be considered original—and therefore is plagiarised. Alternatively, many argue that since AI algorithms are designed to create unique content, it can’t technically be plagiarism. Use this tool responsibly.

Do you have a plagiarism checker tool I can use to verify my paragraph is truly unique content?

We are currently working on a plagiarism detection tool, within Prodactive. You can input your rewritten paragraphs into the tool to check for plagiarism and verify the results yourself.

If I copy a paragraph from someone else’s blog and use this paragraph rewriter to reword it, is that plagiarism?

If you ask me, it should be. But it’s probably not. In my eyes, that’s a form of plagiarism—but more than anything else, it’s disrespectful of the creative effort other bloggers put into their writing. How would you feel if someone copied your content, rewrote it in a single click with a tool like this, published it, and outperformed your blog?

Which languages (other than English) does this paragraph rewriter accept? Will it translate my content?

Sure! Our tool for paraphrasing paragraphs can handle text in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Swedish and Polish. You can also choose the language in which you want the new paragraph to be generated from the menu. We are also looking into expanding our language options in the future.

Does this paragraph rewriter tool accept content formats aside from just text?

Sorry at the moment our paragraph rewriter is designed to handle text content. You won't be able to upload images, GIFs, videos or other multimedia formats.

Is it safe to use an article rewriter tool (article spinner) to generate blog content for SEO purposes?

Google Has clearly stated that, “appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against our spam policies.” From an SEO perspective, Google has sent a clear signal that you’re safe to useAI writing tools to assist in your content creation process without fear of being punished by their algorithms. That said, I wouldn’t recommend using an article rewriter (or article spinner as they’re also called) to do something as brazen as copy a competitor’s article, use an article rewriter tool to just reword it in one click, then hit publish. In my book, that’s a form of plagiarism—but more than anything else, it’s disrespectful of the creative effort bloggers put into their content writing.

(or article spinner as they’re also called) to do something as brazen as copy a competitor’s article, use an article rewriter tool to just reword it in one click, then hit publish. In my book, that’s a form of plagiarism—but more than anything else, it’s disrespectful of the creative effort bloggers put into their content writing.

Recommended reading:

7 AI Rewriter Features That Have Revolutionized Writing

How To Rewrite AI Content to Human Understanding

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